Declaration Form for Multi-Unit Residential Premises

  • If you select Tiered pricing for a multi-unit residential property, the property will be eligible for the Tier 1 threshold and price multiplied by the number of units for which the account relates in accordance with the requirements under the Ontario Energy Board’s Standard Supply Service Code ( Consumption above the threshold will be charged at Tier 2 price per kWh.

    To register your account (e.g. because there is more than one unit behind the meter/account) you must complete this form. Your account will be adjusted effective on the start date of the next billing period of the account. Any delay in processing as a result of missing or inaccurate information on the form will NOT result in adjustments to previous billings. Do not include units that are metered or billed separately from the account referenced.

    Pursuant to the Regulation filed under 79.16 of the Ontario Energy Board Act, 1998, a residential account relates to:

    • a dwelling,
    • a property as defined in the Condominium Act, 1998,
    • a residential complex as defined in the Residential Tenancies Act, 2006, or
    • a property that includes one or more dwellings and that is owned or leased by a co- operative as defined in the Co-Operative Corporations Act.

    You must advise us in writing if your account ceases to qualify or if there is a change in the number or units within the property or complex.

  • This information will be used to contact you in the event there is a problem with your account or this form.

  • All information submitted in this process will be used by Bluewater Power Distribution Corporation in support of its obligations under the Electricity Act, 1998 and the Ontario Energy Board Act, 1998, applicable Ontario Energy Board Codes and Rules, associated policies, standards and procedures and its license. This information is being collected and used for billing purposes, and is subject to field investigation by Bluewater Power and disclosure to other authorities such as your municipality's building and fire departments, and the province of Ontario to ensure the accuracy of the information provided. By signing this form, you consent to our collection, use and disclosure of the information provided for above information. Any information provided will be retained by Bluewater Power and treated in accordance with our Privacy Policy, and may be subject to review by the Province of Ontario or its agents.

    Based on information provided, Bluewater Power may change your account status to a "commercial rate" if more than one unit is being declared against one metered service and this may increase your total electricity charges.